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The cornerstone of a child’s physical activity in schools is physical education. School PE programs offer the best opportunity to provide physical activity to all children and our goal is to teach your child the skills and knowledge needed to establish and sustain an active lifestyle.



students climbing rock wall

Baker students were so excited to try out the new Rock Wall generously donated by the PTO. We are eager to learn how to move across the wall safely and creatively. We are ready for an adventure!!! 


Coach Primrose

I am very excited to be here at E.M. Baker. I have previously taught Physical Education and Health throughout NYC in both elementary and middle schools. I love watching students learn to develop gross-motor skills, develop strategy and build social skills all while having fun.

Coach Camarda

I am extremely excited to join the Baker team. I coach JV girls volleyball at Great Neck South High School as well as girls and boys volleyball at Great Neck South Middle School. While I love volleyball, I also enjoy hot yoga, pilates, and lifting weights to stay in shape!

Coach Ciserano

 I am extremely excited about joining the team here at Baker. In my spare time, I love coaching football, basketball, and baseball. I also love staying in shape by running and lifting weights.

Coach Kazin

I have been teaching Physical Education here at Baker for over 10 years. I am the Boys and Girls Varsity Tennis Coach at Great Neck North High School.  While I love tennis, I also enjoy running, yoga, and playing different sports with my own children.​