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Student Safety Information

Student Behavior Expectations/Code of Conduct

All students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate and civil manner, with proper regard for the rights and welfare of students, District personnel and other members of the school community, and for the care of District facilities, equipment and property. All students are to abide by the GNPS's Code of Conduct at all times. Along with the school district's Code of Conduct, all E.M. Baker students are expected to follow our Habits for Life. These habits are developmentally appropriate, easy to understand, and can be transferred and applied to all facets of life. Each morning, following the Pledge of Allegiance, all E.M. Baker students and staff recite the following:

All Baker citizens have the right to live and learn in a safe and supportive community in which:

  • We take care of ourselves.
  • We take care of each other.
  • We take care of our environment.
  • We try our best and persevere.


Court Orders and Stipulations
If this applies to your family situation, please make sure the school has a copy of the court order/stipulation. 
Please understand that it is not the school’s responsibility to oversee divorce agreements and/or custody agreements.



Any student who does not ride the school bus is considered a “walker”. The majority of students considered walkers at Baker get picked up by an authorized adult at one of our designated pickup locations (by grade level) during dismissal times. Parents must provide a note to the classroom teacher indicating the person who will pick up your child, specific days of the week, or if your child is independently walking home.


Bicycle Safety

Students who ride their bikes to school are considered walkers. Please make sure a note is provided to the classroom teacher at the beginning of each school year. For parents who allow their child to ride their bike to school, please know there is a bike rack located by the flagpole. It is the parent and student's responsibility to ensure:

  • The bicycle meets all safety requirements. 
  • A helmet is worn to and from school.
  • The bike is locked up on the designated bike rack.


 Personal Toys and/or Electronics

  • Your child should not bring personal toys and/or electronic devices to school.  This is a Baker practice that is supported by the Great Neck Public School Board of Education policy 5695.
  • The school will not be responsible for any lost or damaged personal toys and/or electronic devices.
  • Please do not contact the school expecting staff to devote time to finding lost personal toys and/or electronic devices.


Safety Drills

All students will be active participants in building-wide safety drills throughout each school year in accordance with New York State Education Department regulations.


  • Parents will not receive notification regarding pre-planned safety drills with the exception of an off-site evacuation drill.
  • In the event of an emergency, parents will be notified via ParentLink, the district's emergency notification system.
  • It is imperative in these situations that all parents follow the directions communicated to ensure the safety of everyone.


Student Medical Issues

The school nurse is responsible for medical issues and concerns.  Please see the Health Office section.